2515 - BACTRIA: LOT of 7 silver coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
BACTRIA: LOT of 7 silver coins, including Sophytes: AR drachm, Bop-3A (VF with crystalized surface and chipping, name partially legible); 2 AR drachms
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 350.00
Sold for (350.00 + 70.00BP) = 420.00
2517 - BACTRIA etc.: LOT of 11 AR obolsStephen Album Rare Coins
BACTRIA etc.: LOT of 11 AR obols, including Bactria: Eukratides I, 4 with Dioskouri caps reverse (2 each of Bop-9B & 9C) and 2 with Herakles rev...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 350.00
Sold for (350.00 + 70.00BP) = 420.00
2527 - ANCIENT GREECE: LOT of 34 bronzesStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT GREECE: LOT of 34 bronzes, from a variety of interesting cities and kingdoms mostly before Roman dominion, including Arpi, Cossura (=Panteller
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 250.00
Sold for (280.00 + 56.00BP) = 336.00
2528 - ANCIENT GREECE: LOT of 8 AR tetradrachmsStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT GREECE: LOT of 8 AR tetradrachms, including 2 Athenian (ca. 350-294 BC, poorly struck) and 6 Seleukid (all Philip I, F-VF); retail value $700,
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 400.00
Sold for (650.00 + 130.00BP) = 780.00
2531 - ANCIENT GREECE: LOT of 35 silversStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT GREECE: LOT of 35 silvers, including 2 tetradrachms of Eukratides II (encrusted & with cleaning scratches), and 33 drachms and hemidrach...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 450.00
Sold for (375.00 + 75.00BP) = 450.00
2532 - ANCIENT GREECE: LOT of 13 bronzesStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT GREECE: LOT of 13 bronzes, including Sicily: Morgantina (the Hispani), Panormos, Solus, Syracuse (Roman); Pontos & Paphlagonia: Amisos (...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 250.00
Sold for (300.00 + 60.00BP) = 360.00
2533 - ANCIENT GREECE: LOT of 61 coppersStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT GREECE: LOT of 61 coppers, from various cities mostly after Roman dominion, including AE dupondius of Divus Augustus & Julia Augusta (Li...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 250.00
Sold for (240.00 + 48.00BP) = 288.00
2535 - ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 22 coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 22 coins, including Julius Caesar AR denarius (Crawford-458/1, Venus // Aeneas, VG, porous, graffito), 8 various Roman bronzes (i
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 250.00
Sold for (300.00 + 60.00BP) = 360.00
2536 - ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 21 larger bronzesStephen Album Rare Coins
ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 21 larger bronzes, including several sestertii and dupondii, from Claudius (2 pcs), Trajan, Hadrian (2), Antoninus Pius, Marcus A
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 400.00
Sold for (650.00 + 130.00BP) = 780.00
2537 - ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 26 coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 26 coins (5 silver), including Roman Republic (AE uncia ca. 215-212 BC, Craw-42/4), Trajan (AE dup.), Faustina Jr (2 AE ses.), Co
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 600.00
Sold for (650.00 + 130.00BP) = 780.00
2538 - ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 12 coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 12 coins, including AR denarii of Clodius Albinus (F-VF), Caracalla (VF+), Geta (VF+), Macrinus (VF, rough surfaces), Elagabalus
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 450.00 - 550.00
Sold for (425.00 + 85.00BP) = 510.00
2540 - ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 4 AR antoninianiStephen Album Rare Coins
ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 4 AR antoniniani, including Gordian III (RIC-153, VF+), Philip I (RIC-28, EF), Trajan Decius (RIC-21b, VF-EF), and Herennia Etrus
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 140.00 - 180.00
Sold for (130.00 + 26.00BP) = 156.00
2541 - ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 49 coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 49 coins, including 32 bronzes (2 silvered) from Caracalla to Arcadius, all fully attributed on accompanying tickets; and 17 Indi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 140.00 - 180.00
Sold for (300.00 + 60.00BP) = 360.00
2542 - ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 57 small bronzesStephen Album Rare Coins
ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 57 small bronzes, comprising two types of Divus Constantine, as well as both Constantinopolis and Urbs Roma commemoratives; avera
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 350.00
Sold for (300.00 + 60.00BP) = 360.00
2543 - ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 57 coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 57 coins, including 1 Republican AR denarius, 21 pieces from Nero to Philip II (mostly bronzes, including several sestertii, with
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 500.00
Sold for (900.00 + 180.00BP) = 1,080.00
2544 - ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 9 better follesStephen Album Rare Coins
ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 9 better folles, all Heraclea mint and Iovi Conservatori-type, 3 of Constantine and 6 of Licinius, all AU or mint state, well str
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 450.00
Sold for (400.00 + 80.00BP) = 480.00
2554 - BYZANTINE EMPIRE: LOT of 10 bronzesStephen Album Rare Coins
BYZANTINE EMPIRE: LOT of 10 bronzes, including Anastasius I, Justinian I (2, including ½ follis Theupolis), Maurice Tiberius (12 nummi Alexand
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 180.00 - 220.00
Sold for (150.00 + 30.00BP) = 180.00
2555 - ANTIQUITIES: LOT of 106 antiquitiesStephen Album Rare Coins
ANTIQUITIES: LOT of 106 antiquities, including Egyptian scarab set in sterling silver chain (1), Celtic British fibula (brooch) and other bronze broke
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold for (450.00 + 90.00BP) = 540.00
2556 - ANCIENT: LOT of 12 silver coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT: LOT of 12 silver coins, including an Achaemenid siglos, a hemidrachm of Apollonia Pontica, 3 Alexandrine drachms, an Indo-Greek drachm of Men
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 250.00
Sold for (350.00 + 70.00BP) = 420.00
2557 - ANCIENT: LOT of 13 diverse coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT: LOT of 13 diverse coins, including an Athenian obol of uncertain period (Fine), two Seleukid drachms (both crystallized and chipped), a Parth
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 250.00
Sold for (160.00 + 32.00BP) = 192.00
2558 - ANCIENT: LOT of 14 coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT: LOT of 14 coins, 8 silver, including Greek World: Istros AR drachm (SNG Stancomb-148, F), Larissa AR drachm (BCD-316, VG-F), Tarentum AR nomo
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 280.00 - 320.00
Sold for (400.00 + 80.00BP) = 480.00
2559 - ANCIENT: LOT of 24 coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT: LOT of 24 coins, with 12 Roman Imperial (including a Hadrian sestertius), 4 Roman Provincial (including Gallienus Perga assarion, BMC-77), 2
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
Sold for (120.00 + 24.00BP) = 144.00
2560 - ANCIENT: LOT of 3 AR & 100 AE coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT: LOT of 3 AR & 100 AE coins, including a Cherronesos AR hemidrachm, a Roman Republic Dioscuri-type denarius, an Augustus quinarius of Em...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
Sold for (170.00 + 34.00BP) = 204.00
2561 - ANCIENT: LOT of 36 coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT: LOT of 36 coins, including Greek (12): including 4 silver minors from Rhodes, Sikyon, Locris Opuntia, an AR tetradrachm and 4 large bronzes f
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 600.00
Sold for (500.00 + 100.00BP) = 600.00
2562 - ANCIENT: LOT of 4 silver coinsStephen Album Rare Coins
ANCIENT: LOT of 4 silver coins, including an Achaemenid Persian siglos (ICG VF35), Macedonia Alexander III AR drachm (ICG F12), Roman Antioch Nero BI
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 180.00 - 220.00
Sold for (190.00 + 38.00BP) = 228.00